Friday, July 11, 2008

Week 8, Day 1

BabyCenter sends me the coolest picture every week of what's going on with the baby. I love to get them and see what's changed week to week. The baby's the size of a kidney bean and is getting fingers/toes this week! The little toes I'll be kissing every day (ooh, I love baby feet!)

The past few days I've been able to get through nearly the whole day without napping. I lay down after dinner but that's making good progress since for a couple of weeks, I couldn't even get to 2pm!

Food jags are getting bad though. I'm loving peaches and orange juice but anything that smells remotely citrus makes me gag. Any cooking meat throws me over the limit. Soda, the smell of coffee, avocados, cake, cookies, brownies, doughnuts: all are sickening, which could be good.

I don't think I've gained any weight yet since everything still fits relatively the same. I feel bloated at the end of the day but that's typical anyway. It's funny, last time I think I was in maternity clothes by week 11 or 12 but it's hard for me to believe that in 3 weeks from now I'll be wearing them. I doubt it. But I'd already gained about 10 lbs. by now back then too. That'll put anyone into a new size clothing.

I'm officially in the last month of the first trimester and am very happy about that! The 2nd is a good one for me and I'll be grateful for those happy days.

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