Monday, July 14, 2008

Revised by Dr: Week 7, Day 5

I had my first prenatal appt today. I love my doctor. He's so empathetic and nice. I have such better feelings about him than my last OB.

Things have changed a bit since my last pregnancy! First off, I was given an ultrasound today - wow! I only ever had 2 the entire time with SP and the first one wasn't until 20 weeks!

But thank goodness, there's only 1 baby in there and all looks to be in order including a little tiny heartbeat going like crazy! SP couldn't quite figure out that what we were looking at was the baby. She kept saying, "where's the baby, mom?"

Evidently, the hospital of my choice (the one where I work) is too small to allow me to have a VBAC since I've already had a C-section and so I have to go to LDS in Salt Lake if I want to be induced and avoid another C-section. My dr spent a lot of time going over my options and helped me feel a lot better about my labor. He said absolutely he would not allow my 40 hours of labor to be duplicated again and I nearly cried out of relief. I really am terrified of that happening.

I officially haven't gained even a pound yet which is only surprising since I've not been too careful with what I'm eating. I eat whatever sounds good, and I'm okay with that right now.

Anyway, so that's that. Cheers!


Unknown said...

I'm not surprised you haven't gained weight- being the pregnant one you always notice when your body changes first- but us outsiders don't notice it for weeks. I had all three of my babies at LDS and LOVED that hospital and the care I got there.

Aislinn said...

Isn't it neat to get that ultrasound so early? I was surprised when they did that this last time because it wasn't done the time before and that was only 5 years ago! Amazing how things change!! Glad you have a Dr. that you like!! I too went to LDS and I loved it - the nurses were wonderful and they made me feel like I was their only concern! Good luck!