Thursday, January 29, 2009

Weekly Visits

I've started going in for weekly visits about two weeks ago. I hate going to the doctor that much even if it does seem like it's important.

The doctor told me today that I should expect to not have a baby much bigger than about 7 1/2 lbs. That sounds great to me! Not that it matters since they'll take her out C-section. But if they're a little smaller at the outset, they seem to stay babies for a little longer. And I have such cute preemie clothes! I'm such a girl!

He also told me that he's going on vacation next week and will be back February 8th. It didn't register with me for a little bit but then I started to panic. I asked him what if I go into labor next week? He tried to reassure me but I was just so upset - that's what happened to me last time and it made the whole experience awful! I mean, what's the point of a certain doctor following your entire pregnancy and going through your delivery plan with you if he's not even going to be there?

Hopefully I'll just last until my scheduled date and then there'll be nothing to worry about. What's that about the best laid plans?

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