Thursday, September 4, 2008

Oh My Gosh - My HEAD!

It is at this point in my pregnancy with SP that I was going to the chiropractor daily to have an adjustment to relieve my aching head, prior to going to school - yes, DAILY. $30 a pop! It was so worth it!

And now they're back, only now they're migraines. I'm not sure which were worse, the tension headaches or the migraines. My only consolation is that I know what meds I can take vs back then, I didn't know I could take anything! I don't love it though because I'm ibuprofin from sun-up to sundown and I just don't think my little tike is benefiting too much from that.

On another note - I'm getting so excited for Wednesday! I am literally counting down the days until I can find out what I'm having. Really, so much hinges on this - you laugh. Really, the whole nursery, and my shopping can BEGIN in earnest!

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