Friday, October 17, 2008

The Big Ultrasound

It was confirmed today that we are having a girl for sure. Everything looks normal, in fact it seems that I might be a week or two further along than what we originally thought.

The doctor looked at all anatomical structures and functions and found everything to be normal. They have a new machine in their office that can show the 3-D picture so I saw her little face right before she stuck her little fists up in front of it.

For the past three weeks I've been having what I finally realized were small contractions, verified during the ultrasound. She was actually able to see my uterus having a contraction. I had early contractions with my first pregnancy but not this early. I was given a medication to stop them so I wonder if I'll have to take it again. Since my appt today was only with the lady who does the ultrasound, I'll need to make another appt to talk to the doctor.

So if I'm 24 weeks like the ultrasound says, then I've only got 16 weeks left! Yeah! I suppose that changes the due date that much. 16 weeks from today is January 30. Cool!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Well, I'm halfway along now and in some ways, it seems my belly growth has sort of stagnated which suits me just fine thank you very much.

My only real complaint lately is this ridiculous sciatica which is usually isolated in one leg or another for most people - but in me, oh no. It picks a different leg each day. And my tailbone gets so sore too!

Today, I was on my feet more than usual and I noticed that the sciatica was a lot more painful than usual. I attributed it to being on my feet but later in the day, I decided to change my clothes and as I took off my pants, a-ha! - somehow the pain was reduced by like 75%. It was those pants! I noticed they put a lot of pressure on my lower abdomen as they have a tight elastic band but I had no idea the tightness was also affecting my lower back too - duh! What's my degree in?

I retired the pants of course. They still fit and look decent but aren't worth it if they're going to cause me that much pain every day.

On another note, I have finally decided to go with the VBAC vs. a volunteer C-section. It freaks me out but I'm going for it. I'm just thinking of the recovery - I want to be back on my feet quicker.